Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to The Ramsay Bugle...Blog Style!

Hello all.  This blog is new for me for 2011.  In an effort to be of the best service and provide my friends and fans with the most and best information, I needed a platform that would allow me the flexibility you need and an avenue where I can bring the most information to you.  This new blog will also allow me the ability to post more things without attacking your inbox.
I will continue to do the Constant Contact newsletter for everyone on my email list.  If you are not on that list, I will be posting many of the main articles that I send to everyone in that venue.  Why not just do the blog?  When I asked all of my friends and fans what THEY wanted, many came back with just keeping the newsletter with others stating that an online blog would be a good idea.  The newsletter is once a month and does take some doing to put together.  The blog I can write and/or post as I am inspired and have time.  Many of my friends and fans follow me on Twitter (@RGRamsay), Facebook (Gene Ramsay - The Insurance Man), and  Those people will be notified every time I post here.  So basically, if you want to stay connected with me on all levels, follow me here by subscribing to this blog and connecting with me on the various social networking sites as well as getting on my email list.
Thank you to all of you for asking for this and being willing to be a part of my life in business and otherwise.  I hope to bring everyone here timely and valid info with regards to the insurance industry as well as other things I am involved in as they happen.  I feel it is KEY (for those out there who want to know me for business purposes and social purposes) for me to share on this blog who I am and what I do.  I can state all day long that you should work with or connect with me in some capacity so you know what you're getting when you contact me.
Lastly, if you ever have questions or comments, feel free to contact me through here.  I always try to be a phone call or an email let me know what I can do to serve.
Step into my office...

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