Thursday, June 2, 2011

The POWER of Social Media...Should It Have So Much?

You see it in the news almost daily.  You may have friends who have been affected by it.  Almost all of us use it and everyone should be aware of it.  It's social media.  Whether you are on MySpace, or Facebook, or LinkedIn.  Whether you post or like or tweet, you are a member of the social media empire.
Social media has taken the world by storm.  Business is conducted by it.  People are introduced and re-introduced through it.  It's really inescapable in today's society. It's a valuable tool and a great way to find and connect with people from all over the globe who either know you or would like to communicate with you on things that connect you (hobbies, likes, loves, etc.).
I started my stint in social media when MySpace first came out.  Needless to say that was short-lived as I quickly realized that most people were misusing the platform to try and "hook up" rather than connect.  So, upon deleting that account I said that social media and sites like that were NOT for me.  Fast forward to almost 2 and half years ago. I got word that my high school band director had fallen very ill.  He and the band meant so much to me that I decided to start collecting memories and reconnecting with classmates from that era that I had, like many of us, lost touch with.  Since time was if the essence with my band director's health I needed my connections to be quick.  I hesitated but soon joined Facebook.  I found quite a few people from the high school days and that quickly turned into hundreds.  I kept waiting for the "evil" of it all to hit me but found that I had more control over who, what, and why.  With this connection through Facebook I connected with people not just from high school, but even elementary school and college.  Family connected with me and soon I was a part of the Facebook phenomena.  In fact, as I started to see the potential in this for my insurance business I built a page just for that where people who are interested in that part of my life can "Like" it and follow as I put information out there for people to see and possible use.  This led to joining LinkedIn, and then Twitter. MySpace even revamped their site and I rejoined there with some better securities and ability to decide who I wanted to connect with.
Connections were happening and the experience was going well.  Then I started to read articles written about Facebook and blogs and how people were being fired from their jobs or not even considered for employment because of their social media life.  It really kind of took me by surprise.  While I am the last person to support a liberal view on certain things, this seemed to almost fly in the face of the rights of others to have a life.  Social media was supposed to be all fun and games and maybe some business on the side but to get fired for a certain post or photo? I still think on this subject quite a bit and wonder where this all came from.  When did social media start bleeding into all the facets of our lives to the point where we are almost afraid to be who we are for fear someone might see who we really are?
To be "preachy" for a moment...I know people sometimes do silly things.  Some people even don't think before they do or say something.  It's a human epidemic. However, I believe in the power of others to change.  Many people change daily.  Some don't realize they need to. Is it fair for a society to base their total picture of someone on their Facebook posts and pictures?  Is it any more fair to judge someone based on their looks or ethnicity? Someones looks are hard to change, but people's opinions and values and thoughts can change daily.  It's what makes us human.
Social media is powerful.  It can connect in the click of a button two people who have nor seen each other in decades.  It can be an avenue of sharing the good and the bad of life to help make it all more meaningful and bearable. Should it get someone fired?  Should it cause people to tune you out because you are venting about a major event in your life and you are searching for perspective from anyone who might listen?  I'm not totally sure.  I struggle with this daily, as I stated earlier.  However, I do do believe social media has enough power that those of us who choose to exercise it need to be responsible.  Here are just a few things you may want to keep in mind before you click "Update" or "Tweet" the next time:

 - Be careful who you connect with. There are so many people out there in the social media realm.  Some are legit people and others are just looking to connect and then wreak havoc on your life.  The good news is, with social media those troublemakers are one DELETE button away.  However, if you will use your wisdom and the wisdom of others you can save yourself the nuisance by being careful before you "Accept" anyone.
 - Think before you post. There is good and bad news about social media.  The good news is that people read your stuff.  The bad news is...people read your stuff.  If you are going to put it out there for the world to see, understand that the minute you do you will most likely make a friend and an enemy.  It puts a line in the sand on who you are and to most it reflects the person inside who wrote it.  It can't be's just the way it is.
 - Pictures are worth a thousand words...but can cost you even more than that. Just because you take the photo does not mean you have to post the photo. Photos are kind of like the words we type. They reflect an image of who we are.  Some of those photos could be unflattering or too revealing for the general public to consume. Too many good teachers have lost their jobs because during Spring Break they decided to wear a bikini at the beach and post their photos to share.  Too many possible clients have lost the deal because of the birthday bash photos showing people drinking tequila shots off some body's navel. When you post those photos, people will see them.  Be cautious how much you want everyone to see.
 - Just because you have the right to post doesn't mean you should. Ah yes, the freedom of speech mantra. It's true but you have to understand that some things are best left unsaid, unwritten, or unposted. Getting into a text war with your ex on your Facebook page may not be your best plan if you want the general population to think of you as a class act and someone they would like to get to know. While certain things in your life many be true, it does not necessarily mean everyone wants or needs to know about it. We all have our issues and feelings...but sharing them with the world is where we have to draw the line between using our right or using our head.
Should social media have the power it does? Not sure, but it does anyway. It has become what we have fed it and how much we have put stock in it. It's just the way it is now. Just remember, your social media can not have any surprising power over you if you are wise in what you choose to share. While we all appreciate honesty, it doesn't mean sharing it all is your best decision in the long run. If you want to vent or speak loudly on something or show off that great tan, go old school and meet for coffee. Then maybe share the photos of you and your friends having a good time together and NOT the crazy photo of you throwing the TV off the second floor balcony.

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